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Keep the environment safe

The Impact of Human Activity on the Environment

January 25 2022, 22:50pm

Growing up, we learn what we need to know to navigate the world around us. From reading street signs to memorizing multiplication tables, our general education teaches us how to live in this world. But what about the natural world? What does it take for a plant or animal species to thrive? Our general education doesn’t teach us that.

To paraphrase a famous quote: while we may not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we will leave it to our children and grandchildren (and their children and grandchildren). That is why it’s important to understand that human activity impacts the environment.

The way we use natural resources will determine what future generations will see when they look at the world around them. And if we don’t stop harming the environment now, there may not be much left for them. Here are some ways to reduce your impact on this planet and help make it a better place for future generations.


The Environment, a Unifying Concept

Why do we live in a world which has different areas, each with its own natural resources? Why are there deserts, jungles, the ocean, and places in between?

The environment is a unifying concept. It’s not just one thing; it’s everything around us. The things that make up our environment give us clean water to drink, food to eat, and shelter from extreme temperatures, for example. If we don't protect it now, how will future generations survive?

One way to reduce your impact on this planet is by recycling. The next time you get a plastic bottle of water from the supermarket or gas station - ask for a refill instead of buying another bottle of plastic. That small change can have a big impact on the environment!


Human Activity and the Environment

The way we use natural resources will determine what future generations will see when they look at the world around them. And if we don’t stop harming the environment now, there may not be much left for them.

In order to reduce your impact on this planet and help make it a better place for future generations. 

Follow these 8 easy ways to reduce your environmental footprint:

  1. Be aware of what you buy - Just because something is marked as ‘recyclable’ doesn’t mean it’s recyclable. Think about the materials and where they come from before buying new products. Better yet, try and reuse what you already have on hand (especially those pesky plastic water bottles).

  2. Purchase less meat - When we buy meat, we are consuming an animal that consumed its own weight in plants to feed itself. So by simply choosing not to eat as much meat, we find ourselves preserving more plant life which helps keep our Earth greener and cleaner. 

  3. Shop with sustainable companies - The best way to avoid over-using natural resources is to purchase from companies that sustainably manage their company and the environment responsibly. We all want a green Earth, so why not shop with companies who do just that?

  4. Follow eco-friendly brands on social media - There are loads of awesome eco-friendly brands out there, but sometimes it can be difficult to find them! 


The Impact of Human Activity on the Environment

How we use natural resources will determine what future generations will see when they look at the world around them. And if we don’t stop harming the environment now, there may not be much left for them.

Here are some ways to reduce your impact on this planet and help make it a better place for future generations:

- Use Renewable Energy: Electricity and heat that come from renewable sources like solar and wind power are some of the most important ways to lower your environmental impact.

- Reduce Plastic Consumption: Producing new plastics emits greenhouse gases and takes up a lot of water, so try to decrease your plastic consumption by bringing reusable bags to grocery stores or using glass or stainless steel straws. 

- Conserve Water: Saving water is necessary because it can lead to deficiencies in many parts of the world. Try taking shorter showers, installing low-flow toilets, and using gray water systems wherever possible.


The Impact of Climate Change on the Earth

Climate change is a growing concern and can be felt in all aspects of life. From the melting ice caps to the increased number of natural disasters, we know climate change is happening. But what can we do?

Thankfully, there are many small changes we can make to help slow down climate change and make this Earth a better place for future generations. You don’t need to travel or buy anything new; you just need to make small changes in your daily routine.

Here are some ways you can reduce your impact on this planet:

- Turn off the lights when you leave a room 

- Put your cell phone on flight mode at night 

- Unplug electronics and appliances that aren't being used 

- Eat less meat and dairy products


What is climate change?

The phrase “climate change” has been thrown around a lot lately. But what does it mean?

Climate change, also known as global warming or climate disruption, refers to the rise in average temperature from increased levels of greenhouse gases. The most notable of these is carbon dioxide, which has been released into the atmosphere by human activity for centuries.

The greenhouse phenomenon has been happening for a long time—around 160 years. As humans continue to release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the problem will only get worse.


How does climate change affect us?

Climate change is an issue that has been debated for decades. Some say it doesn't exist, while others believe it's the single greatest threat to life on Earth. But what does climate change actually mean?

Changing temperatures cause severe weather events like hurricanes and wildfires that have a lasting effect on our environment. Climate change can also lead to changes in plant and animal habitats, which could impact the food supply as well as human health.


How can we slow down global warming?

One way to help slow down global warming is by driving less and using public transportation more.

Many people don't think about their daily commute when they're trying to cut back on fossil fuel use. But the truth is, the average person spends an hour a day in their car- that's more than 100 hours a month! That adds up to about 1,000 miles per year on the road. And because cars release harmful gases like carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide into Earth's atmosphere, your drive can contribute to global warming.

If you're able to avoid driving your car every day, this reduces your impact on climate change and helps make Earth a better place for future generations.

One way to do that is by using public transportation like buses or trains whenever possible. And if you need to take a car, try carpooling with friends or coworkers instead of driving alone! Better yet, try walking or biking when you can! You'll get some exercise while also doing your part for the planet.

The environment is a unifying concept that spans the range of human activity. It's important to understand how human activities affect the environment and to take action to slow down global warming.

The environment is a unifying concept that spans the range of human activity. It's important to understand how human activities affect the environment and to take action to slow down global warming.

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